Emma Mitchell 

Splitting nails

Natural health therapist Emma Mitchell answers your questions.

I'm 48 and suffer from flaky, splitting nails that cause tremendous discomfort. The skin surrounding my fingertips is also dry. I've tried various remedies, including calcium and zinc. I eat a lot of fruit and vegetables, fish and olive oil.

Nails are composed mainly of keratin. Nutrition plays an important role in making strong, mineral-enriched keratin and a three-pronged approach is worth bearing in mind. First, getting and absorbing adequate high-quality protein from fish and pulses (as well as meat, offal and dairy products - if eaten) is vital. Second, minerals, particularly calcium and magnesium and B vitamins (especially biotin), are also essential. To absorb these nutrients, you need adequate stomach acid, the production of which can decline as we age. As such, betaine hydrochloride supplements can be useful; try them for three to six months. Finally, omega-3 essential fatty acids from oil-rich fish, rapeseed oil, ground flaxseeds and walnuts will also make a difference - add unheated seed and nut oils to dishes and on salads instead of olive oil, which may block the usefulness of omega-3 fats. MulitMax Maintenance has all the vitamins and minerals needed for healthy nails, plus metabolism cofactors to assist absorption of nutrients such as calcium and zinc. MultiMax, betaine HCL and omega-3 oils, from Nature's Best, 01892 552117 (naturesbest.co.uk).

I have arthritis, mainly as a result of a damaged spine, and have pain both in my shoulders and hips. I have found a good exercise for my shoulders - could you recommend one for my hips.

Exercise is important to give short- and long-term relief from arthritis pain and stiffness: it improves all aspects of fitness, increases circulation, keeps muscles and bones strong and joints flexible. Dr Harris H McIlwain, author of Pain-Free Arthritis (Piatkus Books), recommends 10 minutes of stretching a day, plus up to 30 minutes of aerobic exercise such as biking, swimming or walking. He describes many exercises in his book, which includes a section on hips that suggests flexion, abduction, extension and rotation exercises to increase flexibility and strength in the hips, while also helping your spine and knees.

· Emma Mitchell is a natural health therapist. Before following Emma's recommendations, you should consult your GP about any medical problems or special health conditions. Send your questions to Wellbeing, Guardian Weekend, 119 Farringdon Road, London EC1R 3ER. Email: ask.emma@theguardian.com.


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